Care, Empathy and Trust

Obstetrician, gynaecologist, ivf specialist

Vitamin A
Although an optimal level is required for fertility hormones and ovulation,caution is advised with high doses as teratogenicity and fetal syndromes can be associated. Use of Isotretinoin for acne is common, but should be discontinued if pregnancy is planned, at least 1 month prior to conception
Vitamin B complex
From B1 (thiamine), B2(riboflavin),B6, to B12: all are integral for healthy ovulation and conception and safe in pregnancy. A B Complex multivitamin should be started in preconception and continued through pregnancy. Natural sources can be availed from whole grains, nuts, brown rice, fish, poultry.B12 is lacking in vegetables and found only in legumes and deficiency can cause Pernicious anaemia , therefore , supplementation may be recommended if low levels.
Folic Acid
There is strong evidence that use of folic acid 400 magmas reduces the risk of neural tube defects and hence preconception supplementation is recommended. Folate is a B-group vitamin essential for the healthy development of the foetus in early pregnancy, in particular their neural tube. Women of child-bearing age should take extra folate daily to prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Even women who aren’t planning to have a baby should increase their folate intake because about half of all pregnancies in Australia are unplanned.
A higher dose of folic acid is required if one
has had a previous baby with a neural tube defect
has a neural tube defect yourself
has a close relative affected by a neural tube defect
takes medicine for epilepsy or seizures – some medications affect the absorption of folate
has type 1 diabetes
High risk patients need a higher dose (5 mg) of folate each day. This is 10 times higher than that recommended for women with a low risk.
Omega 3
It helps fertility by helping to regulate hormones in the body, increase cervical mucous, promote ovulation and overall improve the quality of the uterus by increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organs.
Deficiency of Iron can cause Iron deficiency anaemia and Iron supplementation. Iron is an important dietary mineral that is involved in various bodily functions, including the transport of oxygen in the blood. This is essential in providing energy for daily life. Iron deficiency results in depleting the iron stores within your body. This can lead to fatigue, tiredness and decreased immunity
Magnesium, Zinc & Trace Elements
A balanced diet is usually capable of catering to the body needs , but research suggests that deficiency of the minerals can affect ovlation, corpus luteal function.
In populations where calcium intake is low, calcium supplementation as part of the antenatal care is recommended for the prevention of pre- eclampsia among pregnant women, particularly among those at higher risk of hypertension
Iodine is an essential nutrient that humans need in very small quantities. A small gland in the neck, known as the thyroid,uses iodine to produce thyroid hormones. These hormones are vital to ensure normal development of the brain and nervous system before birth, in babies and young children. For this reason, it is very important that pregnant and breastfeeding women get enough iodine
Melatonin and Coenzyme Co Q 10 decrease the oxidative stress to the sperm and increase the efficient energy production in cells . Supervision in intake is recommended and guidance should be sought.
Essential Fatty Acids
There are three different types of unsaturated fatty acids; Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential to the body.The three best sources of essential fatty acids that will provide the different levels of unsaturated fats are borage oil, flax oil and fish oil.
​EFAs regulate hormones, increase the blood flow to the uterus, reduce sensitivity to the hormone prolactin, which can suppress ovulation and increases egg white cervical mucus, which is needed to help the sperm reach the egg.It can help your cycle to become normalized
Omega 6
It can assist fertility by improving reproductive cell structure, decrease risk of inflammation and improve the condition of organs in the body.