Care, Empathy and Trust

Obstetrician, gynaecologist, ivf specialist

First visit
Full Blood Count (FBC), Blood Group and Antibodies , Hepatitis B and C, Syphilis, Rubella and HIV) as currently recommended.
Thyroid function testing, Ferritin ( blood iron level), Vitamin D, Varicella Immunity( Chicken Pox), Parvo Virus ( Slapped Cheek)
Midstream urine collection (to check for infection)
Pap smear (if not performed within last 2 years)
Dating ultrasound scan
20-22 weeks
Anatomy ultrasound scan of the baby to check its growth, to look for any abnormalities of its development and identify the placental position.
26-28 weeks
Gestational diabetes screening
Blood Group antibodies
36 weeks
FBC, Blood Group antibodies
Screening for “Group B Strep” by vaginal swab
Other investigations/interventions
Down’s syndrome screening is offered to all women.. This will be discussed with you further at your initial consultation.
Anti D immunoglobulin injection at 26 weeks and 34 weeks for women with a negative blood group Women .
Other tests are performed according to your individual circumstance