Care, Empathy and Trust

Obstetrician, gynaecologist, ivf specialist

"You are welcome to have additional appointments and your partner and family is welcome to join in.
Obstetrics is unpredictable in nature and although every effort is made to run to schedule, sometimes there are delays and unavailability, for which every effort will be made to contact and not inconvenience you. I understand time is important for everybody and every appointment needs planning .Your patience and understanding is highly appreciated and if there is a delay for you to attend to late running, please call and inform as early as you can.
Whatever the emergency, drive safe! "
8-10 weeks
Initial appointment with assessment, planning ,investigations
Discussion regarding screening for chromosomal abnormalities
Tests available: Non invasive prenatal testing versus Maternal Serum Screening
11-13 weeks
NT screening
Discussion regarding food, vaccination, exercises, antenatal classes
14 weeks
Review with scan and planning for a morphology scan
Assessment for early sugar screening
20 weeks
Quickening (first perception of baby movement )
Review the scan
GTT planning
28 weeks
Review results of blood tests
Check antibodies: need for Anti D
Check up for BP, weight, growth
Discussion regarding Whooping cough vaccination
32 weeks and bi-weekly till delivery
Regular visits for BP, growth , weight check
Discussion regarding delivery
Birth plans
Options of pain relief
36 weeks
GBS Screening
Post - Natal Visit
Review 6 wks to assess Mum and Bubs progress
Mental health for mother
Breast feeding
Lactation amenorrhea
Baby health
Spacing and planning for next pregnancy.
Pap smear if needeed